Insurance Valuations
With a Thomson Roddick insurance valuation, be secure in your mind that in the event of loss of, or damage to your prized, personal possessions that you have been provided with an accurate, professional valuation report.
We offer insurance valuations for single items to full house contents and everything in between. When instructed, we work promptly and valuations are generally undertaken within a week with the report being submitted within a few days following that. Conducting a valuation tends to begin with a visit to the property, the auctioneer or valuer will walk around room by room, making a detailed inventory of the items to be included in the report. This report is then compiled into a document, which can include images too, and submitted to the instructing individual or firm along with a note of our fee. Our fees are competitive and are based on the time it takes to undertake and compile the valuation.
For a quote, or to discuss the possibility of having a valuation conducted, contact one of our experienced valuers.
Sybelle Thomson
Dumfriesshire, Edinburgh & the north of England
01228 535 288
Dennis Clark
Auctioneer & Valuer
01387 721 635
Gavin Durward Tavendale BSc (Hons)
West Lothian, Edinburgh & Fife & Perthshire
0131 440 2448
John Thomson FIA (Scot)
Senior Consultant & Auctioneer
Carlisle & the north of England
01228 535 288
Frank Forrest
Borders Representative
Scottish Borders
0131 440 2448
Michael Callan
Senior Auctioneer & Valuer
David Miller
Auctioneer & Valuer